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Writer's pictureBrian Fuller

Sights & Sounds From Sabbatical-Post #7

I'm finding that a real benefit of a sabbatical is getting ready for the next seven years of ministry at EBBC. That looks like prayer, planning, reflection and, yes, reorganization.

This week I was able to reorganize and re-shelve my library in my home office. It feels good to have everything in its place. As I sorted through the books, I thought I could join a therapy group and confess, "my name is Brian Fuller and I have book problem!" :-/ But, I was also blessed to "touch" each volume that the Lord has graciously given me. Our lives are changed by the people we meet and the books we read.

On Thursday, I was also able to take a brief online class on utilizing Logos ( Bible-study software) more effectively. I use Logos as I prepare sermons for Lord's Day.

Yesterday was fun to participate in the Chester County Connect Care 5k at Hybernia Park. I'm so thankful that we can partner with such a compassionate and Christ-like ministry. They are such an example of "loving them both." (the unborn and their mothers). It was great seeing our East Brandywine Teens serving as race marshals for the run too!

My grandson Hudson slept through the night for the first time last night! His parents are praising the Lord! :-) Here are a few of my favorite photos from the week:

I guess Hudson wasn't all that excited about going to church this morning! :-)

Becky and I attended Brandywine Grace Church this morning. We enjoyed seeing some friends and worshipping our Christ together with BGC. One of the faithful men of the church brought the sermon today from Matthew 18:15-35 on forgiveness. It was a blessing.

I was in the EBBC building this week and I saw the new history wall!

I love it! And, I love the rich history the Lord has given us for 180 years at EBBC!

Praying for you!


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Nov 13, 2023

Clemson?!!? Really?

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