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Writer's pictureBrian Fuller

Sights & Sounds From Sabbatical-Post #8

One of our men from EBBC, Ryan McLaughlin, recommended a book by Dane Ortlund to me a few weeks ago entitled Gentle and Lowly-The Heart of Christ for Sinners and Sufferers. It's been so good.

"Lowly gentleness is not one way Jesus occassionally acts toward others. Gentleness is who he is. It is his heart"

Our life group has had the opportunity to pray, cry, listen and ride the roller-coaster of anticipation, followed by repeated dissapointment, with Matt and Cassie Farrands, as they experienced infertility and have longed for a child. On Thursday, November 16th, Matt and Cassie welcomed Gwendolyn Alice Farrands (aka "Gwennie") weighing 7lbs and 4ozs. We are so excited, and praising the Lord with you guys!

Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life. -Proverbs 13:12

Growing up in South Carolina, I have been a Clemon Tiger fan for as long as I can remember. My aunt and uncle would take me and my brother to an annual Clemson football game. It was a highlight of my childhood. I remember watching William "the refrigerator" Perry and his brother, Michael Dean make impressive, violent tackles.

Now that my in-laws have moved from RI to SC, we have added a new "tradition" to Thanksgiving week-attending a Clemson football game. We were able to see our Tigers beat the UNC Tarheels on Saturday! (I'm sure Chris Wuertz was disappointed! :-). Good times!

Yesterday, we attended church with my parents in Greenwood, SC, (my home town!) at their church home, South Main Baptist Church. Dr. Toby Frost brought a good message from I Thessalonians 5 on the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. The church has two services: a contemporary service at 8:30am and a traditional service at 11:00am. We attended the traditional service. We sang Heavenly Sunlight. I can't remember the last time I sang that song. As a kid, our songleader would hold out the "glory divine" on the refrain for what seemed like an eternity as a boy! It was great to see my parents and worship with them!

Brianna, Jamison and Hudson are spending Thanksgiving with his Granddad and Grandmom Leiss in PA. But, we still got some great pictures and Facetime calls this week! Here are some of my favs:

On Friday morning, I thought I was just meeting John Bitzer for breakfast. I was looking forward to it. I was surprised when three other elders joined us for breakfast. It was so nice to catch up with them. They also presented our family with a gift card on behalf of our congregation for "pastor appreciation." That meant so much.

We love you.

And, we miss you!

This week I'm taking an online course from Hillsdale College called An Introduction to C.S. Lewis, Writings & Significance.

Much love,


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Nov 21, 2023

More Clemson?!!? Sheesh! I think the chair you showed off last week was jest a lil' over the top. Now this? When will it end? I'm rooting for Louisville over FSU.

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